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Residents of Jacksonville: Please be aware of Ordinance No. 2024-0869 being introduced to the Jacksonville City Council. It will grant the placement of duplexes, triplexes, and quadruplexes in residential districts where it is not currently permitted by right. It is being sponsored by Councilman Rory Diamond, a resident of Neptune Beach, and Zach Miller, a land use attorney, who resides in Ponte Vedra Beach.

Yes, two individuals who will never experience the impacts of their own cunning legislation. It would also allow for relaxed parking standards, so you could have eight cars parked next to the most substantial investment you have ever made in your life, your home.

It was denied by the City’s Planning and Development Department for reasons related to resiliency regulations, but nothing pertaining to the complete failure to abide by Jacksonville’s Zoning Code, which means that its passage by our City Council may be possible if the citizens of this great city do not speak out and let our Council members know that we will not stand quietly and permit this unmitigated violation of our Zoning Code and of our property rights to take place.

Please write our (wonderful) councilman, Will Lahnen, and the entire City Council because this injustice must not be furthered at City Hall. If you are familiar with the controversial Live Local Act (Senate Bill 102) and are concerned about its implications, this proposed ordinance could be far worse since it does not contain the rigorous qualification standards that Live Local requires of its developers.

We have an amazing councilman who monitors this page and we should take the opportunity now to express our complete opposition to this insidious legislation.

P.S. Councilman Mike Gay has introduced Ordinance No. 2024-0851 which would create a Northeast Development Review Board, strictly for the Northside, because he is actively engaged in halting the over-development of apartments in his jurisdiction. The absolute dichotomy between these two pieces of legislation is astounding and the irony of their differences should and must be brought to the attention of our City Council representatives.

We have got to get this word out and let the city council and representatives know that duval county has had enough of the land use zoning and over development in and around our property.

Please protect what's left of our single family residential neighborhoods and STOP this NOW!


December 22, 2024

Holiday Lights Contest

Enjoy the Holidays and Have Fun Decorating!

Happy Holidays to Everyone!


On Saturday, December 7th, another lane closure will be in effect in Hodges near JTB for Miller to complete their work.

There will be three (3) police officers present while the closure is in effect.

Source: Daryl Weinstein (Construction Proj. Mgr.)

This information was also shared on Facebook page Glen Kernan Neighborhoods.

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